Review #126: Balcones Healthy Spirits Bottle

It’s exciting to try local products when you travel. It’s one of life’s joys! But I was a bit skeptical when I first encountered Balcones during a business trip. Most of the world finds a way to advertise its local …

Deadpan Fix

We made a lot of ginger syrup, as described in our previous post on the spicy ginger daiquiri. A lot.

The reason we bought a massive ginger and made the syrup in the first place is because we …

Bananarac Cocktail

One thing I sometimes fantasize about is doing the Julie & Julia version of cocktails. To be honest, I have never watched the movie, but I know the gist of it: some girl named Julie recreates all of Julia Child’s …

Sharingan Cocktail

Was thinking the other day: what’s the point in having so many awesome amari if I don’t make more drinks with them! Good point, good point. Amaro Meletti is balanced, caramel, honey and sweet with a complicated back palate that …

Review #46: ASW Duality Double Malt

This is part 3 of our 5-post series on ASW Distillery located in Atlanta, Georgia. We originally visited Atlanta to hang out with a few friends from college. During the trip we stopped by ASW Whisky Exchange, the huge tasting …

Red Eye

Original cocktail from Jim Meehan designed for the Amex Centurion Lounge